
The postage stamp of the year 2022 is the ‘Glory to Ukraine’ postage stamp

As per tradition, the postage stamp emission committee selected the most remarkable postage stamp from the ones issued this year. This time, the postage stamp of the year is the ‘Glory to Ukraine’ postage stamp.
Mart Mägi, Chairman of the Management Board of Omniva, emphasised that out of the 26 postage stamps issued in 2022, the selection of the postage stamp of the year was based on its very special message and its incredible design.
‘Postage stamps are important symbols and messengers. We are living in critical times and this postage stamp reflects those pivotal events, giving a very clear and important message. ‘Glory to Ukraine’ carries a message of peace and is a symbolic statement of support to Ukraine in its fight for independence,’ said Mart Mägi. ‘This postage stamp was issued in exceptional circumstances and very fast, through cooperation between many people, only a month after Russia attacked Ukraine, on 24 March.’
The postage stamp of the year carries a message of peace, symbolised by a peace dove against the background of the colours of the Ukrainian flag. The stamp features the text ‘Слава Україні!’ in Ukrainian, which means ‘Glory to Ukraine!’, and ‘Eesti toetab Ukrainat’ (‘Estonia supports Ukraine’) in Estonian. The design of the postage stamp was created by Omniva in cooperation with the advertising agency Utopia.
‘The stamp has turned out to be exceptionally popular! The stamp with almost twice the circulation of an ordinary stamp, i.e. 50,000 – is essentially sold out,’ Mägi added.
The emission committee has selected the postage stamp of the year since the beginning of the 1990s and it is always displayed on the cover of the yearly collection of postage stamps. The postage stamp of the year is determined by voting on the basis of the highest score. Last year, the postage stamp of the year was the ‘Järvselja 100’ postage stamp printed on wood and issued to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the foundation of Järvselja Training and Experimental Forest District of the Estonian forestry education and science.
The emission committee, consisting of six members, combines philately and experts from various fields. The members of the committee are the art expert Mariina Mälk, philatelist Tiit Pruuli, historian Jaak Juske, Mart Mägi, Chairman of the Management Board of Omniva, and Marili Tammaru, Head of the Philately and Postage Stamp Department of Omniva, and chairman Rein-Karl Loide, professor emeritus of TalTech and Chairman of the Estonian Philatelic Society.

Au Ukrainale


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