Track and trace

Within Estonia
Parcels sent by Omniva within Estonia can be tracked on this page from start to finish.
From abroad to Estonia
You can only track the parcel arriving to Estonia if the sending country has entered the tracking information into an international database. Until the parcel has not arrived in Estonia you may try finding it from the homepage of the postal organization of the country of dispatch.  
From Estonia to abroad
You can track the parcel’s, which is being sent out of the country, journey in Estonia on this page at any time. International parcels can also be tracked after the parcel has left Estonia from an international tracking page.
How to find the barcode of your parcel?
If you register your parcel in our e-service, you will receive a barcode for tracking the parcel.
If you register your parcel in a post office or parcel terminal, you will find the barcode on the receipt.
If you hand the courier/mail carrier an unregistered parcel, you can check the barcode from your company’s account in e-service.

Pallasti 28, 10001 Tallinn, e-mail: [email protected] Customer information: 661 6616