Procedural documents

For sending documents of important contents you can order from us delivery of documents upon signing.
How to deliver procedural documents?

For sending legal documents and/or documents of important contents, use the delivery service of procedural documents which are served in accordance with the Code of Civil Procedure. Once the document has been delivered, we will send you a notice of delivery showing the person it was delivered to and when.

  • We make one delivery attempt at the recipient's address. If the delivery is unsuccessful, you can choose whether we leave the document in the recipient's mailbox, forward it to a post office, or return it to you.
  • As an extra service, you can request a second delivery attempt on Saturday.
  • You can choose whether we issue the document to the recipient in person or give it to a family member.
  • You can check when a procedural document has been served by using the e-service.

You must always attach a notice of delivery to the procedure document, with instructions on how to deliver the shipment. For explanations on how to fill in the form, see the standard terms and conditions for procedural documents.

You can find the delivery notice form in PDF format here delivery notice forms can also be conveniently ordered from our e-shop.

Be sure to use the most recent version of the delivery notice form – this will ensure that the instructions you give the courier will not go unnoticed.
Zone 1 €6.20
Zone 2 €6.40
Zone 3 €6.60
Second delivery attempt on Saturday 4,30

Terms and conditions
Maximum weight Up to 2000g
Minimum dimensions 90 mm x 140 mm
Maximum dimensions 229 mm x 324 mm x 5 mm
How the service works?
  1. The service is intended for business customers of Omniva (you can sign the contract here) who have also chosen a suitable business letter package.
  2. We will issue the procedural document against signature (unless you want the document to be delivered to a post box).
  3. After we have received the shipment, we will make a delivery attempt within two working days.
  4. We will make a second delivery attempt (if ordered as an additional service) on the Saturday following the first delivery attempt, excluding public holidays.
  5. If a delivery attempt fails, you can choose whether we leave the document in the recipient's mailbox, forward it to a post office, or return it to you.
  6. You can choose whether we keep your shipment at the post office for 15 or 30 days. If the mobile phone number or email address of the recipient is indicated on the shipment, we will send them a notification by SMS or email, otherwise we will deliver a paper notification to their mailbox.
  7. You can track your shipment on the Omniva website or e-service. As an additional service, the sender can order an electronic notice via SMS or email regarding the delivery of the shipment.
 Additional services for procedural document
Terms and conditions of delivering procedural documents
NEW! Notice of delivery of procedural documents
Standard terms of business letters
Price list of business letters excl. VAT
Example of a business letter delivery note
Tracking a shipment

Pallasti 28, 10001 Tallinn, e-mail: [email protected] Customer information: 661 6616