Business letter packages

In order to make sending of business letters even more convenient, we have developed four new business letter packages. To simplify the choice of package, we advise you to consider how you would like the letters to be delivered and processed.

  1. How do you want to hand your letters over to Omniva?
    – To deliver the letters personally to a post office or use a bilateral mail exchange
  2. How and how often do you wish to receive information about delivery notices of your letters?
    – Electronically on a daily basis
    – Electronically on a weekly basis
    – I additionally want Omniva to return all checked delivery notices to my company on a monthly basis
  3. What kind of information do you wish to get about undelivered letters? Do you want the letters to be returned?
    – Information about undelivered letters sent electronically to the senders
    – I definitely want any undelivered letters to be returned
    – It is enough if Omniva suitably disposes of any undelivered letters
Business2 Business2
Business3 Business3
Post office
Bilateral mail service**      
Monthly invoice
Delivery notices returned electronically – daily    
Delivery notices returned electronically – once a month          
Delivery notices returned on paper – once a month (upon request)  
Collection and delivery of information of regular letters electronically – daily      
Electronic forwarding of information on registered letters via e-service – daily
Return of regular letters to the sender – once a week        
Return of regular letters to the sender – once a month          
Return of registered letters to the sender – daily
Proper archiving and destroying of regular letters          
Return of regular letters according to the special marking            
Returned standard letters are included in monthly fee letters will not be returned letters will not be returned up to 10 letters up to 10 letters up to 40 letters up to 40 letters up to 300 letters
MONTHLY FEE (€)* 28,00 163,00 89,00 229,00 149,00 289,00 2999,00
Return of paper delivery notices once a month - - - - - - -
Additional “VIP service” of Business Plus package - 139,00 - 139,00 - 139,00 139,00
* Fee is without VAT.
♦ Electronical report for regular letters can be ordered in addition.

Please fill out the form below and let us know about your preferences. After the form has been submitted, we will contact you within three working days and provide the confirmation of the ordered package.

In case of any further questions on the packages, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Pallasti 28, 10001 Tallinn, e-mail: [email protected] Customer information: 661 6616