Letter in Estonia

The fastest and most convenient way is to send letters via e-mail service, but if you still want us to deliver mails traditionally on paper, you can chose between four options. Answer five questions here and we will find the best solution for your needs.
What would you like to send?
  • A letter
  • A small item
How much does a letter weigh?
  • Less than 250 g
  • 250-2,000 g
  • More than 2,000 g
Which are the dimensions of the letter?
  • More than 90 x 140 mm
  • More than 229 x 324 x 5 mm
  • More than 230 x 330 x 20 mm
Would you like to trace the delivery of the letter?
  • No preference
  • Yes
  • No
Would you like to insure the content of the consignment?
  • No preference
  • Yes
  • No

A letter

Let us help you to send your letters, invitations,
documents and other consignments on paper to the recipient's mailbox.


A maxi letter

In a maxi letter, one can send more sizable paper consignment and small items like customer cards, pens, and reflectors.


Registered letter

You can send letters, invitations and documents, which will deliver upon the signature of the recipient.



In a registered maxi letter, one can send more sizable paper consignment and small items like customer cards, pens, and reflectors. A letter is handed over to the recipient upon signature.


Pallasti 28, 10001 Tallinn, e-mail: [email protected] Customer information: 661 6616